When you are going through a divorce the hurt and sorrow can be overwhelming and can drown you.  One of the key things you can do is to forgive yourself for the failure of your marriage.  Even if, on the surface, you do not believe that you were the one to blow up the marriage, forgive yourself.

A friend gave me the ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness, during my divorce and it was life altering for me:


I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.


She told me to say it to myself, for whatever hurt was inside of me. When I started to repeat the poem, tears filled my eyes and I could not finish it, I could not get beyond “please forgive me”.  The act of saying sorry, to myself, overwhelmed me.  I found, over time, that there were other wounds inside of me, beyond my divorce, that this poem helped me identify and heal.

Say it slowly one part at a time letting the words sink in.  Go to a mirror and look yourself in the eye and say it, feel the words in your heart and begin to release the pain that is inside.  You will cry, a lot, but I think that is the idea.

Let me know if this worked for you as well as it worked for me.