This simple idea will save you so much time and energy I almost buy one for each one of my clients with children.  So what the heck do I mean by a traveling backpack?

Parents use a backpack (or other type of bag) to bring items back and forth between households where there are not doubles.  The bag stays with the children and each parent puts items that the other parent needs for the kids. 

This is particularly useful where communications are not at their best between the parents or where the parents will not see each other at transition times.

  • School forms – children need the permission slip filled out and/or paid for by the other parent.
  • Short term medications (antibiotics for example) or anything that there is only one of.
  • Computer, tablet, cell phone or video games for younger children are not old enough to care for the items.
  • Items for a school activity or project.

 The back pack is kept by the door so it is not forgotten and the kids deliver it to the other parent.  Each parent is responsible for making sure all items go in the back pack.  This responsibility can transition to the children when they are old enough; and they will get into the habit of putting items they know the other parent/they will need during their time with the other parent.

Setting up a routine will help reduce the driving to the other parent’s home if something is forgotten.  It will also establish where the responsibility lies for driving if one parent forgets to put something in the backpack that is needed.

While this is a very simple idea it might be a good idea to put it in your parenting agreement or divorce settlement agreement and is something to think about as you prepare for your divorce.

So now the big question…. Spiderman or Barbie backpack?